f1k1FAX-ITk0c5 Written By Glenn J. Schworak c6(January 1,1994)
This program allows any user with the proper level of access to send a message to any FAX machine by simply typing the message like you normaly would and answering a few simple questions.
Some systems may only allow you to send FAX messages to local numbers to save the Sysop's phone bill from getting out of hand.
c6This system does not allow long distance FAX messages to be sentq1
It is important to realize that in your FAX message, MCI commands are of no use. The FAX machines will not accept them so don't bother using them they will show up as strange effects or simple characters.
There are some special commands you can use in your FAX message to spice things up. They are like MCI commands but not quite the same. There are as follows...
\U Under line \u1ON\u0\c6 \u Under line OFF
\B Bold \cEON\q1\c6 \b Bold OFF
\I Italic text ON \i Italic text OFF
\X Reversed image\z6\c0 ON \z0\c6 \x Reversed image OFF
\\ Actualy print a backslash "\" character in your message.
\\P causes a page break (\c1This must be at the start of the line
and on the line by itself\c6)
Note that the \ commands are case dependant. Meaning that they must be in CAPITALS to activate the command and in LOWER CASE to de-activate the command.